
AC Mustang Oats

AC Mustang is a dual purpose (grain/silage) oat cultivar developed by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe Research Centre, Lacombe, Alberta. It was registered on 15 December 1994 and is recommended for Alberta and western Saskatchewan.

Pedigree and Breeding Method

AC Mustang was selected from a Cascade/Fraser cross made in 1984.

AC Mustang is one of the the highest yielding cultivars in Alberta (yields about 10% more than Cascade). AC Mustang is equal to Cascade in lodging resistance. It also has a higher test weight, higher percentage of plump kernels, and a lower percentage of thin kernels than Cascade. AC Mustang has high hull content and is not suitable for milling.*

* Description from Solomon Kibite - former oat breeder and researcher with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, breeder of AC Mustang. Solomon Kibite, shown here, during the 2002 Field Day at Mastin Seeds.  Bob considered Mr. Kibite the top oat breeder in Canada and one of the best in the world before his unfortunate passing.

More Information

For more information on Mustang Oats, please read the following documents: